


A registry for each WvrBaseComponent currently present on the page.




getComponent(id: number | string)

Retrieves a WvrBaseComponent from the registry.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
id number | string No
Returns : T
getComponentByElement(element: HTMLElement)

Retrieves a WvrBaseComponent from the registry by HTMLElement.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
element HTMLElement No
Returns : T
register(component: T)

Adds a WvrBaseComponent to the registry.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
component T No
Returns : number
unRegisterComponent(id: number | string)

Removes a WvrBaseComponent from the registry.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
id number | string No
Returns : void


Static Readonly HTML_ID_BASE
Type : string
Default value : 'wvr-component'

A statically accessible reference to the prefix used in deriving the HTML identifier.

Private index
Default value : -1

Incrementing index of all registered components.

Private Readonly registry
Type : Map<number | string | T>
Default value : new Map<number, T>()

Registry for all WvrBaseComponent.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

 * A registry for each WvrBaseComponent currently present on the page.
  providedIn: 'root'
export class ComponentRegistryService<T> {

  /** Incrementing index of all registered components. */
  private index = -1;

  /** Registry for all WvrBaseComponent. */
  private readonly registry: Map<number | string, T> = new Map<number, T>();

  /** A statically accessible reference to the prefix used in deriving the HTML identifier. */
  static readonly HTML_ID_BASE = 'wvr-component';

  /** Adds a WvrBaseComponent to the registry. */
  register(component: T): number {
    // tslint:disable-next-line:increment-decrement
    this.registry.set(++this.index, component);

    return this.index;

  /** Removes a WvrBaseComponent from the registry. */
  unRegisterComponent(id: number | string): void {

  /** Retrieves a WvrBaseComponent from the registry. */
  getComponent(id: number | string): T {
    return this.registry.get(id);

  /** Retrieves a WvrBaseComponent from the registry by HTMLElement. */
  getComponentByElement(element: HTMLElement): T {

    const hasNativeId = element.hasAttribute('wvr-id');
    const htmlID = hasNativeId ? element.getAttribute('wvr-id') : element.getAttribute('id');

    if (!htmlID) {
      return undefined;

    const id = parseInt(htmlID.replace(`${ComponentRegistryService.HTML_ID_BASE}-`, ''), 10);

    return this.getComponent(id);


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