changeDetection | ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default |
selector | wvr-message-manifest-entry-component |
Properties |
Methods |
Inputs |
constructor(eRef: ElementRef
Parameters :
description | |
Type : any
A human description of this manifes. |
destination | |
Type : any
The destination to connect to. |
mappingStrategy | |
Type : any
The strategy to be employed to unwrap response data. |
name | |
Type : any
The name by which this message manifest entry can be referenced. |
options | |
Type : any
Additional configuration options. |
protocol | |
Type : any
The protocol to use. |
ngOnInit |
Returns :
Private parent |
Type : WvrMessageManifestComponent
A collection of the child WvrMessageManifestEntryComponent. |
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ComponentRegistryService } from '../../core/component-registry.service';
import { WvrBaseComponent } from '../../shared/wvr-base.component';
import { WvrMessageManifestComponent } from '../wvr-message-manifest.component';
selector: 'wvr-message-manifest-entry-component',
template: '',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.Default
export class WvrMessageManifestEntryComponent implements OnInit {
/** The name by which this message manifest entry can be referenced. */
@Input() name;
/** A human description of this manifes. */
@Input() description;
/** The destination to connect to. */
@Input() destination;
/** The protocol to use. */
@Input() protocol;
/** Additional configuration options. */
@Input() options;
/** The strategy to be employed to unwrap response data. */
@Input() mappingStrategy;
/** A collection of the child WvrMessageManifestEntryComponent. */
private parent: WvrMessageManifestComponent;
private readonly eRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>,
private readonly componentRegistry: ComponentRegistryService<WvrBaseComponent>
) {
ngOnInit(): void {
const parentElem = this.eRef.nativeElement.closest('wvre-message-manifest, wvr-message-manifest-component');
if (parentElem) {
this.parent = this.componentRegistry.getComponentByElement(parentElem as HTMLElement) as WvrMessageManifestComponent;
} else {
console.warn(`WvrMessageManifestEntryComponent ${} is not contained with a WvrMessageManifestComponent`);