Properties |
Methods |
Inputs |
Outputs |
HostBindings |
Accessors |
constructor(injector: Injector)
Parameters :
animate | |
Type : string
A setter which parses a json string describing animation instructions and stores the derived object in |
animateConfig | |
Type : string
A setter which parses a json string describing animation setting and stores the derived object in |
animateId | |
Type : string
An attribute input allowing for the designation of an animation identifier for the purpose of animation targeting. |
animateTarget | |
Type : string
An attribute input allowing for the designation of an animation target for animation events. |
hiddenInMobile | |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
An attribute input specifying if this component should be hidden in the mobile layout. |
ngBindings | |
Type : string
themeVariant | |
Type : ThemeVariantName
Used to define the class type of an alert component. |
wvrData | |
Type : string
wvrTheme | |
Type : string
Allows for the override of theme for the particular component. |
animationEventTrigger | |
Type : EventEmitter
An Output biding used for triggering animations. |
class.wvr-bootstrap |
Type : boolean
Default value : true
A host binding used to ensure the presense of the |
class.wvr-hidden |
Type : boolean
A host bound accessor which applies the wvr-hidden class if both isMobileLayout and hiddenInMobile evaluate to true. |
style |
Type : any
applyThemeOverride |
applyThemeOverride(customProperty: string, value: string)
Returns :
bootstrapNgBindings |
Returns :
getWvrData |
Returns :
hasWvrData |
Returns :
initializeAnimationElement |
Returns :
initializeAnimationRegistration |
Returns :
ngAfterContentInit |
Used for post content initialization animation setup.
Returns :
ngOnDestroy |
Handles the the unregistering of this component with the component registry.
Returns :
ngOnInit |
Used to setup this component for animating.
Returns :
onAnimationEvent | ||||||
onAnimationEvent($event: Event)
Trigger's the animation specified by the incoming event.
Parameters :
Returns :
Private processData |
Returns :
triggerAnimations | ||||||
triggerAnimations(animationTriggerType: string)
Plays the animation specified by the incoming animation trigger.
Parameters :
Returns :
Private _animationConfig |
Type : any
Default value : {}
An object representation of the settings specifying the specific behavior of the animation for this component. |
Private Readonly _animationService |
Type : AnimationService<WvrBaseComponent>
A reference to the AnimationService |
Private _animationSettings |
Type : any
Default value : {}
An object representation of the animation instructions for this component. |
Private _ngBindings |
Type : literal type
animationRootElem |
Type : ElementRef
Decorators :
A view child of the template element containing the #animationRoot identifier. |
Private animationStateId |
Type : number
An identifier used to access the animation state for this component. |
Readonly appConfig |
Type : AppConfig
A reference to the AppConfig |
Readonly cdRef |
Type : ChangeDetectorRef
A reference to the ChangeDetectorRef |
Readonly componentRegistry |
Type : ComponentRegistryService<WvrBaseComponent>
A reference to the ComponentRegistryService |
data |
Type : literal type
Default value : {}
Readonly eRef |
Type : ElementRef
A reference to the ElementRef |
Readonly id |
Type : number
A generated unique identifier for this comonent. |
isMobile |
Type : Observable<boolean>
isMobileLayout |
Type : boolean
Private Readonly kebabize |
Default value : () => {...}
Private Readonly ngBindingsService |
Type : NgBindingsService
A reference to the NgBindingsService |
Readonly store |
Type : Store<RootState>
A reference to the Store |
style |
Decorators :
Protected subscriptions |
Type : Array<Subscription>
themeOverrides |
Type : object
Default value : {}
Private Readonly themeService |
Type : ThemeService
A reference to the ThemeService |
variantTypes |
Type : []
Default value : []
wvrBootstrap |
Default value : true
Decorators :
A host binding used to ensure the presense of the |
wvrTheme | ||||||
setwvrTheme(themeName: string)
Allows for the override of theme for the particular component.
Parameters :
Returns :
animate | ||||||
setanimate(value: string)
A setter which parses a json string describing animation instructions and stores the derived object in
Parameters :
Returns :
animateConfig | ||||||
setanimateConfig(value: string)
A setter which parses a json string describing animation setting and stores the derived object in
Parameters :
Returns :
_hiddenInMobile |
A host bound accessor which applies the wvr-hidden class if both isMobileLayout and hiddenInMobile evaluate to true.
Returns :
ngBindings | ||||||
setngBindings(value: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
import { AfterContentInit, ChangeDetectorRef, Directive, ElementRef, EventEmitter, HostBinding, Injector, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { select, Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import * as JSON5 from 'json5';
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { AnimationService } from '../core/animation.service';
import { ComponentRegistryService } from '../core/component-registry.service';
import { WvrDataSelect } from '../core/data-select';
import * as ManifestActions from '../core/manifest/manifest.actions';
import { NgBindingsService, RefBindingSubject } from '../core/ng-bindings.service';
import { RootState, selectIsMobileLayout, selectManifestEntryResponse } from '../core/store';
import { ThemeService } from '../core/theme/theme.service';
import { AppConfig, APP_CONFIG } from './config';
import { ThemeVariantName } from './theme';
import { wvrParseProjectedContent } from './utility';
import { WvrAnimationComponent } from './wvr-animation.component';
import { WvrDataComponent } from './wvr-data.component';
import { WvrThemeableComponent } from './wvr-themeable.component';
// tslint:disable-next-line:directive-class-suffix
export abstract class WvrBaseComponent implements AfterContentInit, OnInit, OnDestroy, WvrAnimationComponent, WvrDataComponent, WvrThemeableComponent {
/** A reference to the ComponentRegistryService */
readonly componentRegistry: ComponentRegistryService<WvrBaseComponent>;
/** A generated unique identifier for this comonent. */
readonly id: number;
/** A reference to the ElementRef */
readonly eRef: ElementRef;
/** A reference to the ChangeDetectorRef */
readonly cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef;
/** A reference to the AppConfig */
readonly appConfig: AppConfig;
/** A reference to the Store */
readonly store: Store<RootState>;
data: { [as: string]: Observable<any> } = {};
// tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-readonly
@Input() private wvrData: string;
themeOverrides = {};
/** Allows for the override of theme for the particular component. */
@Input() set wvrTheme(themeName: string) {
this.themeService.applyThemeByName(themeName, this);
/** Used to define the class type of an alert component. */
@Input() themeVariant: ThemeVariantName;
/** A host binding used to ensure the presense of the `wvr-bootstrap` class. */
@HostBinding('class.wvr-bootstrap') wvrBootstrap = true;
@HostBinding('style') style;
variantTypes = [];
/** An object representation of the animation instructions for this component. */
private _animationSettings: any = {};
/** A setter which parses a json string describing animation instructions and stores the derived object in `_animationSettings`. */
@Input() set animate(value: string) {
this._animationSettings = JSON5.parse(value);
/** An object representation of the settings specifying the specific behavior of the animation for this component. */
private _animationConfig: any = {};
/** A setter which parses a json string describing animation setting and stores the derived object in `_animationConfig`. */
@Input() set animateConfig(value: string) {
this._animationConfig = JSON5.parse(value);
/** An identifier used to access the animation state for this component. */
private animationStateId: number;
/** An attribute input allowing for the designation of an animation identifier for the purpose of animation targeting. */
@Input() animateId: string;
/** An attribute input allowing for the designation of an animation target for animation events. */
@Input() animateTarget: string;
/** A view child of the template element containing the #animationRoot identifier. */
@ViewChild('animationRoot') animationRootElem: ElementRef;
/** A reference to the AnimationService */
private readonly _animationService: AnimationService<WvrBaseComponent>;
/** A reference to the ThemeService */
private readonly themeService: ThemeService;
/** A reference to the NgBindingsService */
private readonly ngBindingsService: NgBindingsService;
/** A host bound accessor which applies the wvr-hidden class if both isMobileLayout and hiddenInMobile evaluate to true. */
@HostBinding('class.wvr-hidden') private get _hiddenInMobile(): boolean {
return this.isMobileLayout && this.hiddenInMobile;
/** An attribute input specifying if this component should be hidden in the mobile layout. */
@Input() hiddenInMobile = false;
/** An Output biding used for triggering animations. */
@Output() protected readonly animationEventTrigger = new EventEmitter<Event>();
isMobileLayout: boolean;
private _ngBindings: { [key: string]: string };
@Input() set ngBindings(value: string) {
this._ngBindings = JSON5.parse(value);
isMobile: Observable<boolean>;
protected subscriptions: Array<Subscription>;
constructor(injector: Injector) {
this.subscriptions = [];
this.componentRegistry = injector.get(ComponentRegistryService); = this.componentRegistry.register(this);
this.eRef = injector.get(ElementRef);
this.cdRef = injector.get(ChangeDetectorRef);
this.appConfig = injector.get(APP_CONFIG); = injector.get<Store<RootState>>(Store);
this._animationService = injector.get(AnimationService);
this.themeService = injector.get(ThemeService);
this.ngBindingsService = injector.get(NgBindingsService);
const element = (this.eRef.nativeElement as HTMLElement);
const htmlIDAttrName = element.hasAttribute('id') ? 'wvr-id' : 'id';
element.setAttribute(htmlIDAttrName, `${ComponentRegistryService.HTML_ID_BASE}-${}`);
/** Used to setup this component for animating. */
ngOnInit(): void {
this.themeService.registerComponent(, this);
wvrParseProjectedContent(this, this.eRef.nativeElement, this.subscriptions);
this.isMobile =;
this.subscriptions.push(this.isMobile.subscribe((isMobile: boolean) => {
this.isMobileLayout = isMobile;
// TODO: fix this
/** Used for post content initialization animation setup. */
ngAfterContentInit(): void {
/** Handles the the unregistering of this component with the component registry. */
ngOnDestroy(): void {
this.subscriptions.forEach((subscription: Subscription) => {
bootstrapNgBindings(): void {
if (!!this._ngBindings) {
const win = window as any;
let elem = this.eRef.nativeElement;
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this._ngBindings)) {
let ngScope;
while (!ngScope && elem.tagName !== 'BODY') {
const ngElem = win.angular.element(elem);
if (ngElem.scope() && ngElem.scope()
.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
ngScope = ngElem.scope();
elem = elem.parentElement;
if (elem.tagName === 'BODY') {
console.warn(`${k} not found on ng scope`);
if (!!ngScope) {
const subject = new BehaviorSubject<any>(ngScope[k]);
const references = this.ngBindingsService.putSubject(k, {
cdRef: this.cdRef,
eRef: this.eRef
const attribute = this.kebabize(k);
if (references.length === 1) {
Object.defineProperty(ngScope, k, {
get: () => subject.getValue(),
set: (value: any) => {
references.forEach((sub: RefBindingSubject) => {
const subElem = sub.eRef.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
if (!value || value === 'undefined' || value === 'null') {
} else {
subElem.setAttribute(attribute, value);
Object.defineProperty(this, v, {
get: () => subject.getValue(),
set: (value: any): void => {
if (value !== subject.getValue()) {;
applyThemeOverride(customProperty: string, value: string): void {
this.themeOverrides[customProperty] = value;, value);
/** Plays the animation specified by the incoming animation trigger. */
/* istanbul ignore next */
triggerAnimations(animationTriggerType: string): void {
const animations: Array<string> = Array.isArray(this._animationSettings[animationTriggerType])
? this._animationSettings[animationTriggerType]
: [this._animationSettings[animationTriggerType]];
animations.forEach(an => {
if (an === 'animationTrigger') {
} else {
.playAnimation(this.animationStateId, an, this._animationConfig, this.animationRootElem.nativeElement);
hasWvrData(): boolean {
return !!this.wvrData;
getWvrData(): string {
return this.wvrData;
/* istanbul ignore next */
initializeAnimationElement(): void {
.initializeAnimationElement(this.animationStateId, this._animationConfig, this.animationRootElem);
/* istanbul ignore next */
initializeAnimationRegistration(): void {
const animationEvents = Object.keys(this._animationSettings);
if (animationEvents.length) {
if (this.animateId) {
this._animationService.registerAnimationTargets(this.animateId, this);
this.animationStateId = this._animationService.registerAnimationStates();
animationEvents.forEach(eventName => {
if (eventName !== 'animationTrigger') {
(this.eRef.nativeElement as HTMLElement).addEventListener(eventName, this.onAnimationEvent.bind(this));
/** Trigger's the animation specified by the incoming event. */
/* istanbul ignore next */
onAnimationEvent($event: Event): void {
/* istanbul ignore next */
private processData(): void {
if (!this.wvrData) {
const valueParsed = JSON5.parse(this.wvrData);
// tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
const wvrDataSelects: Array<any> = Array.isArray(valueParsed) ? valueParsed : [valueParsed];
.filter((s: WvrDataSelect) => !!s.manifest && !!s.entry && !!
.forEach(s => {[] =
select(selectManifestEntryResponse(s.manifest, s.entry)),
filter(r => !!r)
request: {
manifestName: s.manifest,
entryName: s.entry
private readonly kebabize = (attribute: string) => attribute.split('')
.map((letter, idx) => letter.toUpperCase() === letter ? `${idx !== 0 ? '-' : ''}${letter.toLowerCase()}` : letter)